Friday, July 9, 2010


This week my POW (Project Of the Week!) was a magnetic clasp featuring 2 boxers from a Fisticuffs wine cork. The boxers have been circling my desk for a while, and it took a Clasp challenge issued at the last Art Clay Society of Orange County meeting to figure out what kind of function they will have.

It sounds silly writing this as I taught a simpler version of this type of bezel and cork setting earlier this year, but the most challenging part of this project was trusting myself. The finished clasp ended up being close to my original idea, though it was a bit nerve wracking getting there as there was only 1 set of boxer corks.

This week I also put some of my pieces on display at work and a friend comented: "You've really come a long way since I've known you."

That too has really a hard one for me to truly believe. Usually all the stuff I've been meaning or need to do (like blogging?) just gets in the way of seeing that yeah...guess my friend has a point.

Finishing the boxers literally made me see how a passing idea has evolved in complexity over a couple years, and yes, I'm proud of it!

Thanks and love to all my cheerleaders...especially Lenity, my Metals Mistress, G, Wendy & Scott.

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